Forgotten Password
 DE  |  EN  |  FR 

You have forgotten your password or you have incorrectly entered three times a wrong password.
Access the Customer Service Portal with your security code.
Proceed as follows:
  1. Enter your User name.
  2. Enter your security code. You obtained your security code at the time when you were provided by your initial password.
  3. Enter your new Password.
  4. Confirm your new Password.
User name
Security code

The new Password must comply with the following criteria:
A lenght between 8 and 16 characters and atleast macht 3 of the following 4 roules:
  • One Capital letter "A-Z"
  • One small letter "a-z"
  • one number "0-9"
  • one special character "!"#$%&()*+,-./:;=?_"

  • New Password
    Confirm new Password

    By clicking on the "OK" button you confirm your entries.
  • The modification of your password was successful if the message “Your Password has been modified!” appears.
  • By clicking on the “Close” button you go back to the homepage.

  • By clicking on the "Cancel" button you go back to the homepage without having modified your password.
    Please forward your questions relating to your security code and password modification to